Pioneers: Past, Present, and Future

By Nicole Anderson ’12JRN, Editor-in-Chief


1月, just as we started to lay the groundwork for the Spring issue, we received an email from Marissa Tremblay ’12, an assistant professor in Purdue University’s Department of Earth, 大气, 和行星科学. She had recently returned from doing fieldwork in Antarctica, where she had led an all-women team to study the earth’s past climate. She asked if we might be interested in sharing her story in the Magazine. The decision was, well, a no-brainer. Not only is Professor Tremblay’s research timely and relevant, but it also speaks to the kind of groundbreaking leadership that is nurtured by and thrives at Barnard — the very kind of leadership we’ve been so fortunate to experience the past six years under 希恩·利亚·贝洛克总统

我们的封面故事。”胜利的总统,” reflects on President Beilock’s many achievements and the indelible legacy she has left the College. One accomplishment that has particularly made a mark on the Magazine has been her focus on strengthening and supporting 十大电竞游戏综合排名理工学院, which in turn has given us the opportunity to tell some pretty fascinating stories, from our exceptional student- and faculty-led research to our alumnae who are leading the way in fields from artificial intelligence to environmental science. 

但最重要的是, what President Beilock has taught us is that the sciences and the liberal arts are not siloed; in fact, 有一个重要的, symbiotic relationship between the two. And it is this very thinking that continues to guide our storytelling in the 春季版. In “Tara Well: Through the Looking-Glass,” you’ll read about how associate professor of psychology Well weaves together neuroscience and psychological research to promote self-awareness and empathy through her practice of mirror meditation. 在一个 Q&A with Linda Elovitz Marshall ’71, you’ll learn about the author’s latest children’s book, 科学姐妹会, which provides a fun narrative of the relationship between the first woman Nobel Prize-winning scientist, 居里夫人, 还有她的妹妹, 两人Dłuska. And our “Passion Project” spotlights 哈迪贾·阿卜杜勒·纳比,08年, whose switch from engineering to Middle Eastern studies and anthropology at Barnard set her on a career trajectory that eventually led her to establish a women-run design studio in Iraq. (All of these stories were written by our talented colleague Marie DeNoia Aronsohn.) 

如果有什么区别的话, this issue is really about female leadership and taking risks — in the sciences and the liberal arts. And this brings us to our insightful conversation with President-elect Laura A. Rosenbury, in which we learn more about her vision, 教养, 兴趣-及, 最重要的是, 她最喜欢的卡拉ok歌. We are excited for the many compelling stories that will emerge under her stewardship. 

就我个人而言, in February — halfway through the Spring issue’s production — I had my son, 科勒姆, and have been on maternity leave since then. 来结束这封信, I want to say a big thank you to the Magazine team and my department for all their hard work and creativity in putting together this issue.


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